Official Rules

    The 9Lives “VP Search” Sweepstakes and Contest (“Contest”) starts at 9:00 AM Eastern Time (“ET”) on August 14, 2024 and ends at 11:59 PM ET on October 8, 2024 (“Contest Period”). The Community Voting Period will take place from 12:00:00 PM ET on September 26, 2024, and 11:59:59 PM ET on October 8, 2024, (“Voting Period”). The computer clock of Sponsor’s webmaster is the official timekeeping device of the Contest.

  2. ELIGIBILITY: Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia, who are 18 years of age or older as of date of entry. Employees of 9Lives (the “Sponsor”) and Post Consumer Brands employees, Don Jagoda Associates (“Administrator”), their respective affiliates, parents, subsidiaries, divisions, suppliers, distributors and advertising, promotional and judging agencies (collectively, the “Sponsor and its Administrators”), and its affiliates and each of their respective employees, shareholders, directors, officers, members, assigns and agents and their immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of each are not eligible to participate or win. Void where prohibited by law. Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws. Do not enter this Contest if you do not meet the eligibility criteria detailed in the Eligibility section below.  Any disputes related to these Official Rules or the Contest will be resolved via binding arbitration as detailed in the Arbitration section below.

  3. HOW TO ENTER: During the Contest Period, you may enter only via the website at (the “Site”) by completing all fields in the online registration form, consisting of the following fields: first name, last name, email address, upload one (1) photo of your pet, and one (1) essay (maximum of 300 characters), telling us why your pet deserves to be Morris’ vice president (the “Submission”) to receive one (1) entry (the “Entry”). Limit one (1) Entry per person and each pet can only be nominated by one (1) person. Entries in excess of that limit will be disqualified if discovered by Sponsor. The person uploading the Entry will be deemed the entrant (the “Entrant”). If there is a dispute as to the identity of an Entrant, the Entrant will be deemed the authorized account holder of the email address used for Entry, as long as such person is otherwise eligible in accordance with these Official Rules. Any Entry not in compliance with the above and which does not meet the other requirements of these Official Rules will be disqualified. Participation is subject to disqualification of all Entries, if Sponsor and its Administrators discover that multiple accounts are used by the same person. Purported proof of Entry (such as, without limitation, a screenshot of a purported Entry form) does not constitute proof of actual Entry for purposes of this Contest. 

  4. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: By entering, you agree to waive any rights you may have to the Entry submitted. Pet entered must be a cat or dog. The Entry, or portion thereof, may not contain obscene, profane, lewd, defamatory or inappropriate content, or be disparaging to Sponsor, as determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Entries must be in keeping with Sponsor’s image and may not be offensive, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, nor can Entries defame or invade publicity rights or privacy rights of any person, living or deceased, or otherwise infringe upon any person’s personal or proprietary rights. Entrants may not copy or otherwise plagiarize the Entry from any source. All Entries must be the sole, original work of the Entrants. Entrant must be the legal owner of the pet depicted in the Entry submitted. Entry must not contain or depict any harmful or dangerous activity (in Sponsor’s sole discretion) that is detrimental to the safety and well-being of the pet. If photo was taken by a professional photographer, Entrant must obtain the rights to the photo from the photographer in order to submit such content. Any clothing shown in an Entry should not contain any visible logos, drawings, cartoons, phrases, trademarks or other third-party content or materials (but showing publicly  displayed or publicly  accessible Sponsor content, material, and products as described above is permitted). All submitted Entries must be in keeping with Sponsor’s image as determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion, or Entry will be disqualified from the Contest. The Entry must not disparage persons or organizations associated with Sponsor. Entries must not reference any of Sponsor’s competitors or competitor’s products. Any Entry or portion thereof that is, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion, obscene, profane, lewd, defamatory, inappropriate, disparaging, offensive or contains proprietary right of any person living or deceased (including but not limited to rights of privacy or publicity or portrayal in a false light) or entity, or is otherwise objectionable, will not be considered and may disqualify the Entrant. Entries become the property of the Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. Entry photo must be in jpeg, jpg or png format and be no larger than 15mb. For all written portions of the Entry materials, the Entry materials must be entirely in the English language. Entrants and Grand Prize winner acknowledge and agree that their Entries become the property of the Sponsor, which thereby has the irrevocable, transferable, sublicensable, absolute right and permission to edit, adapt, modify, reproduce, promote and otherwise use Entries in any way it sees fit in perpetuity and in any medium (including online and in digital media) in any language, throughout the world, for any purpose, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, including without limitation for internal business purposes, the purposes of evaluating Entries, administering this Contest, and for advertising and marketing purposes. Entries may be posted on the Sponsor’s social media sites, and may be posted on other websites, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Such postings may be on a rotating or occasional basis and may be discontinued at any time at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Posting of an Entry is not meant to indicate that the Entry is a winner, provisional winner, or finalist in the Contest, or that it is otherwise favored in any way.  Any Entry not in compliance with the above and which does not meet the requirements of these Official Rules will be disqualified. 

  5. SWEEPSTAKES RANDOM DRAWING TO SELECT ENTRIES TO BE JUDGED: On or about September 11, 2024, 100 eligible Entries will be randomly selected to be judged from among all eligible Entries received throughout the Contest Period. Drawing will be conducted by the Administrator, an independent judging organization whose decisions are final and binding on all matters related to the drawing. The odds of being selected in the random drawing depend on the total number of eligible Entries received. If less than 100 eligible Entries are received, then all eligible Entries will be judged. 

  6. JUDGING: All Submissions will be judged by Sponsor-selected judges (“Judges”) on or about September 11, 2024, based on the following criteria: Originality/Creativity (25%); Alignment with Morris’ Pawlicies (25%); Inspiration/Inspiring Story (25%); Vice Presidential Prowess (25%) (the “Judging Criteria”), to determine five (5) Finalists (“Finalists”). Any tied Submissions will be re-judged by the Judges based 100% on Alignment with Morris’ Pawlicies. Judges’ decisions are final with respect to all matters relating to the judging of the Contest. By participating, Entrants agree to the Official Rules and the decisions of the Judges/Administrator, which shall be final and binding in all respects. 

  7. FINALIST AND WINNER NOTIFICATION: Finalists will be notified on or about September 19, 2024 via email using the contact information provided at the time of Entry. Finalists will be required to sign and return a Declaration of Eligibility & Liability Release and where legal, a Publicity Release and Assignment of Rights within two (2) days of notification attempt. Noncompliance within this time period may result in disqualification and an alternate Finalist may be determined or fewer than five (5) Entries may proceed to the Community Voting round. Grand Prize winner, once determined, may be required to complete additional documents in order to receive the prize. Failure to return any or all documents fully-executed within the specified time period, or if any notification is returned as undeliverable, will result in disqualification and an alternate Finalist may be determined, time permitting, and at Sponsor’s sole discretion.  

  8. COMMUNITY VOTING ROUND: All eligible Finalists’ Entries will appear on the Contest Voting Site (the “Voting Site”) accessible at During the Voting Period, members of the online community, Finalists, and Entrants who are legal residents of the 50 U.S./DC and are 18 years of age or older and wish to vote must first register to vote by providing their name, email address and date of birth to the Voting Site prior to voting (the “Eligible Voters”). Eligible Voters may vote for the Finalist of their choice. Voting is limited to one (1) vote per person. Subsequent votes submitted per email address will be void. Each Finalist’s Entry, as-is or as may be edited by Sponsor, will be posted and made publicly available on the Voting Site. Votes may only be submitted online during the Voting period only. If any Finalist or Entrant is found to be soliciting votes in return for a purchase or payment of any kind, that Finalist or Entrant/Eligible Voter will be disqualified at the Sponsor’s sole discretion and the subsequent votes will be disqualified. Finalists, Entrants and Eligible Voters are prohibited from obtaining votes by any fraudulent or inappropriate means or practices, including, without limitation, offering prizes, payments or other inducements, to members of the public and/or using any websites designed to induce individuals or provide other incentives to vote for their Entry, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Any attempt by an Entrant, Finalist or other individual/entity to manipulate or undermine the integrity of the voting as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion will result in disqualification, with the understanding that disqualification shall not represent the sole remedy available to Sponsor. The use of script, macro, or any other robotic or automatic devices for voting and any other means that subvert the voting process is prohibited, and Sponsor reserves the right to nullify all such votes and to disqualify the responsible individual from voting and possibly disqualify the Entry.

  9. DETERMINATION OF WINNERS: Upon the close of the Voting Period, Sponsor will tally the online votes (and ensure they are eligible). Sponsor reserves the right to disregard any votes it reasonably deems ineligible or fraudulent. The Finalist receiving the greatest number of valid votes will be determined the Grand Prize winner.

    Winning is subject to validation and verification of eligibility and compliance with all terms and conditions set forth in the Official Rules. Winner will be notified via email, on or about October 10, 2024. In the event of a tie between two or more Finalists, the tied Entries will be re-judged by the Judges on their original scores based 100% on Originality/Creativity. If any communication is returned as undeliverable or if a selected potential winner cannot be reached or does not respond as instructed after Sponsor has attempted to notify that potential winner, that selected winner may be disqualified and an alternate winner may be determined (time permitting and in Sponsor’s sole discretion). Sponsor reserves the right to modify the notification procedures in connection with the determination of any alternate potential winner, if any. Sponsor will not be obligated to pursue more than two (2) alternate winners (time permitting) for any reason, after which the prize will remain un-awarded.

  10. GRAND PRIZE AND ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE: Grand Prize (1): The Grand Prize will consist of one (1) $1,000 check made payable to the Grand Prize winner, and one (1) $35,000 check made payable to the Grand Prize winner’s animal shelter of their choice (or the equivalence of 9Lives product), to be determined in coordination with the shelter. The animal shelter of winner’s choice must be a recognized 501C3 organization. Grand Prize is non-transferable and no substitution is allowed except by the Sponsor. The actual retail value of the prize is $36,000. 

    Grand Prize winner is responsible for paying all Federal, State, or Income Tax associated with the $1,000 prize. The animal shelter (once they agree to take the donation) will be responsible for any associated taxes related to the donation, if applicable. The authorized representative at the animal shelter may be responsible for signing any documents relating to prize acceptance (and returning in the timeframe specified) or that shelter may not be eligible to receive the donation.

    In addition, at the discretion of the Sponsor, Sponsor reserves the right to conduct a background check on the Grand Prize winner or Finalists and reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any Entrant based on the results of such background check, if Sponsor determines in its sole discretion that awarding the prize to such Entrant might reflect negatively on Sponsor. Sponsor also reserves the right to conduct a background check on the shelter selected by the Grand Prize winner and reserves the right in its sole discretion to request an alternate shelter be selected based on the results of such background check. Potential Grand Prize winner or Finalist may be disqualified: (a) if charged with or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor; (b) if Sponsor determines, in its sole discretion, that awarding the prize to such individual (or declaring them a Finalist) may reflect unfavorably on the Contest or Sponsor; (c) if they are not eligible to receive the prize (or declare them a Finalist) based on the eligibility requirements set forth in these Official Rules; (d) if Sponsor determines that they have failed to comply with these Official Rules in any way; or (e) if Grand Prize winner refuses to or cannot accept the prize for any reason. Potential Grand Prize winner, selected shelter, and Finalist’s social media profiles must be in keeping with the Sponsor’s image or they may be disqualified, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. 

  11. GENERAL: Grand Prize winner and all Entrants, as a condition of entry into the Contest, agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor and its Administrators, each of their respective agencies, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, shareholders, members, employees, agents, assigns, and all others associated with the development and execution of the Contest (collectively the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all liability, claims or actions of any kind whatsoever for injuries, damages, or losses to persons or property which may be sustained in connection with submitting an Entry, voting or otherwise participating in any aspect of the Contest, the receipt, ownership or use of prize awarded or any typographical or other error in these Official Rules or the announcement or offering of the prize. Everything on the Site is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Some jurisdictions may not allow limitations or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages or exclusion of implied warranties so some of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.  Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding these limitations or exclusions. Grand Prize winner assumes all liability for any injury or damage caused, or claimed to be caused by participation in the Contest, any voting element or use or redemption of the prize. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission to use Grand Prize winner’s name, likeness, and Submission for promotional purposes (including any possible public relations opportunities) without further compensation except where prohibited by law. By entering, Entrant accepts and agrees to be bound by these Official Rules. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual that tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or the Community Voting; violates the Official Rules; acts in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner; or acts with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. The Released Parties are not responsible for technical, hardware or software malfunctions, telephone failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, or failed, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, garbled or delayed electronic communications, whether caused by the sender, by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest which may limit the ability to participate, or by any human error which may occur in the processing of the Entries/votes in the Contest. Entries/votes generated by script or bot are not eligible. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, terminate or modify the Contest (or online voting) if it cannot be completed as planned for any reason, including but not limited to infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, technical failures or corruption of any sort. In such event (and if voting is cancelled), Sponsor will determine the Grand Prize winner from eligible Entries received prior to cancellation. If votes are received and the Contest gets cancelled, Sponsor will determine, based on the number of eligible votes received who will be determined the winner. As a condition of entering the Contest, Entrant agrees that: (1) under no circumstance will Entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and Entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, consequential or any other damages, other than for out-of-pocket expenses; (2) all causes of action arising out of or connected with the Contest, or prize awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; and (3) any and all claims, judgments, and award shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, but in no event will Entrant be entitled to receive attorneys’ fees or other legal costs. 

  12. ENTRANTS’ PERSONAL INFORMATION: Any personally identifiable information collected by Sponsor or its representative during the Contest will used by Sponsor for purposes of the proper administration and fulfillment of the Contest as described in these Official Rules or as otherwise permitted and in accordance with the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy, located at

  13. ARBITRATION & GOVERNING LAW: Please read this section carefully- it may significantly affect your legal rights. These Official Rules and all matters arising out of or in connection with the Contest and/or Official Rules shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Minnesota (without applying the state’s conflict-of-law principles). Any dispute arising out of or connected with this Contest and/or these Official Rules not resolved amicably between you and Sponsor shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration as follows.  You agree to give up your right to go to court to sue or seek relief from Sponsor.  

    Arbitration shall take place in the City of Minneapolis, MN and shall be administered under the procedures established by the American Arbitration Association or as may otherwise be agreed upon by the parties. 

     The party asserting the dispute (the “Petitioner”) shall indicate an intent to commence arbitration hereunder by giving written notice of such intent to the other party (the “Respondent”).  

    If the Petitioner and Respondent are unable to resolve the dispute within 15 days following the receipt by the Respondent of the above notice, arbitration shall commence upon the delivery by the Petitioner to the Respondent of a petition complying with the Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (the “Rules”) and setting forth at a minimum (i) the acts or omissions complained of, (ii) the section(s) of the Official Rules breached or otherwise involved, and (iii) the relief sought. The Respondent shall respond to such petition in conformity with such Rules and a counterclaim shall be permitted if timely filed and served.  

    The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator in conformance with such Rules except that (i) the Petitioner and Respondent may provide any instructions to the arbitrator(s) which deviate from such Rules as the Petitioner and Respondent may mutually agree, and (ii) unless the Petitioner and Respondent mutually agree otherwise, they shall have the right to conduct discovery in any manner and to the extent authorized by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as interpreted by the Federal courts in the District of Minnesota.  If the Petitioner and Respondent are able to agree upon a single arbitrator within 10 days following commencement of the arbitration, such individual shall serve as the arbitrator.

    If the parties cannot mutually agree upon the selection of an arbitrator within 10 days following commencement of the arbitration, the arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with the rules of the then effective Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. 

    With respect to any award in arbitration, the arbitrator:  shall issue an award in writing which (A) sets forth findings of fact, (B) resolves each specific claim, (C) attaches a reasoned opinion, and (D) is signed by the arbitrator;  may compel specific performance by the Petitioner or the Respondent of his or its respective obligations under the Official Rules or award injunctive relief to restrain any breach of the Official Rules by a Petitioner or Respondent, in each instance without the necessity of the Petitioner (A) alleging or proving damages as a result of the breach, or (B) posting any bond; provided, however, seeking or obtaining equitable relief shall not preclude a party to the arbitration from also seeking or obtaining an award for money damages in the arbitration; and  shall equitably allocate between the Petitioner and Respondent all (A) administrative fees and expenses of the arbitrator(s) and the arbitration, and (B) fees (including reasonable legal fees) and expenses incurred by the prevailing party in the arbitration.  

    Judgment upon an award in arbitration may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction in the United States.

  14. WINNER: For the name of the winner, send an email, by November 10, 2024, to with “9Lives “VP Search” Contest (20-2765-21) as the subject line. Winner’s name will be sent after the prize has been awarded.

  15. SPONSOR/ADMINISTRATOR: The Sponsor of the Contest is 9Lives Brand, Post Consumer Brands, LLC located at 20802 Kensington Boulevard, Lakeville, MN 55044. The Administrator of the Contest is Don Jagoda Associates, 100 Marcus Drive, Melville, NY 11747. If you have any questions regarding this Contest, please contact